Squarespace Plugins/

Squarespace Blog Page Headings Fix Plugin

Seamlessly Fix Your Squarespace Blog Page Headings

If you've noticed that your blog page has more H1 tags than it should, we have the fix. This plugin changes the blog post titles from h1 to h2.

*Requires a Squarespace plan that supports Javascript.

Add the Plugin to Your Website

Add our code once to your footer with website code injection, to a specific collection or specific page.
If you add it with code injection, you only need to do this once.

<!-- Excito LLC | License: https://excitollc.com/squarespace-plugins/squarespace-blog-page-headings-fix-plugin -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Excito-LLC/squarespace-plugins@main/plugins/blog-page-headings-fix-plugin/plugin.min.js"></script>

Animation / Missing Header Bug (Only if Applicable)

The plugin might behavior strangely if you have animations enabled for your website. After including it, check to see if your titles appear. If they don't, you can either disable animations on Squarespace or use the following code instead (this will disable the hiding part of the animation on the titles that are replaced/added).

<!-- Excito LLC | License: https://excitollc.com/squarespace-plugins/squarespace-blog-page-headings-fix-plugin -->
      fixAnimationBug: true,
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Excito-LLC/squarespace-plugins@main/plugins/blog-page-headings-fix-plugin/plugin.min.js"></script>

Why Use Excito’s Anchor Tag Plugin?

  • No Coding Required: Our tool is designed specifically for those who prefer to not open a code editor. Simple, intuitive, and effective.

  • Integrate with Ease: Our JavaScript snippet ensures a hassle-free incorporation into any Squarespace design.

How to use the plugin:

Add the code above to your blog page header code (settings icon for blog page -> advanced -> Page Header Code Injection) or use a code block on the blog page.
*Note this is your blog collection page (the one that shows all your posts), not an individual blog post page.

(That’s it! All done!)


We cherish the creative community and are thrilled to offer this tool entirely for free. Should you find it beneficial, we kindly ask you not to repost the code. Instead, link back to this page, allowing others to experience the same advantages.

Feel free to use this in your website or client websites. If you use it in client websites, please include attribution in the code and the documentation/paperwork packet.

  • Grant of License under the General Public License (GPL):
    The Excito LLC Anchor Tag Plugin ("the Plugin") is licensed under the General Public License (GPL). This means that you are free to use, modify, and even redistribute the Plugin under certain conditions.

    What Does GPL Mean for You in Simple Terms?

    1. Freedom to Use and Share: You can use the Plugin for any purpose—personal, commercial, or for client projects—and even share it with others.

    2. Freedom to Change: If you want to modify the Plugin to better suit your needs or fix issues, you're free to do so.

    3. Freedom to Share Changes: If you make improvements to the Plugin or create a derivative work, you're encouraged (though not obligated) to share those changes with others. The only catch? Any derivative work you distribute must also be under the GPL, ensuring that others can benefit from your enhancements just as you benefited from our original creation.

    Gratitude & Attribution:
    While the GPL doesn't require it, we kindly ask that if you find our Plugin beneficial, please consider linking back to our website. It's a small gesture that helps us continue our work and provides value to others in the community.

    Restrictions & Notes:

    1. Pass Along the Freedom: If you distribute the Plugin or a derivative of it, you must pass on the same freedoms (to use, modify, and distribute) to the recipients.

    2. Preserve Original Notices: When you distribute the Plugin or a derivative, you should keep all original copyright, trademark, and attribution notices intact.

    The Plugin is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. Excito LLC is not liable for any damages or issues that may arise from the use or integration of the Plugin.

    The freedoms granted to you under the GPL are for perpetuity. However, they can be terminated if you do not follow the license's conditions. If you lose these rights, you may not regain them unless explicitly granted by Excito LLC.